Jul 11, 2011


I remember growing up and having my dad’s voice in the answering machine of our house saying one of his favorite verses: Psalm 37:5, "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you."

He and my mom set the standards for me and my 2 sisters since we were little kids, always seek God, no matter what you are going through, don’t stop seeking Him. And that’s what they are doing in response to the prostate cancer diagnose my father received last week.  I talked to him on the phone and he was all calm and peaceful saying, “I’m good, I’m still playing soccer and stuff, don’t feel anything, God is taking care of it.”

My sister said that when they received the bad news my dad scheduled his next doctor’s appointment for August! (understand that he just received the results of his exams saying he has cancer, and he was all cool enough to wait for a month to evaluate his situation! … just my father…)  “Can you believe he didn’t want to go back to the doctor just because he doesn’t like doctors?!” my sister said. So she rescheduled the exam for tomorrow (yes, that’s how my sister is)

Today I want to ask you all to please remember to pray for my father tomorrow, Tuesday – June 12, as he will be examined about his cancer. The first results said it could be curable after a surgery. Tomorrow they will see if there are more areas infected w/ the cancer cells. 

Here is the song that has been in my mind for the above reasons and so many more:

Gungor: "Beautiful things"

My family and I really appreciate all your words of encouragement, support, and prayers.



  1. Loving the fact that your dad is playing soccer and running the race in total faith... And loving the fact that your sister moved the appointment up to tomorrow.. Godly faith coupled with Godly wisdom.... thats an awesome combination... When I looked at your dads picture I thought of Proverbs 15:30 "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones"....Know that my prayers for you and your family will continue.... Love you "G"..........in Jesus name "J"

  2. Praying for your dad Gerson !!
    Oro para que o poder de Cura do nosso Senhor JEsus Cristo invada o interior do seu pai. oro para cura completa em nome de Jesus !!!

  3. Lindo Gerson! amei ler sua homenagem! que Deus possa estar ao lado de seu pai , dando a ele forca para vencer essa batalha! vc e um execente fotografo! Rose Carmo
