Jul 13, 2011

Kyle Model Pics

When I asked my friend Kyle if I could practice w/ him as a model I had in mind to develop my portrait experience. So I decided to use him as a study case (sorry man, it was for a good cause). 

You will notice that most of his images are from the upper body and head shots. The idea was to identify elements that make a simple portrait attractive to the eyes. Yes, the model helps, but what I mean by “simple” is I didn’t want to show a lot of surroundings, or a big background w/ a little person in the middle of it. My focus was to have creative images, without having to use props around the subject to make it interesting. Does that make sense? So we went downtown Cincinnati for the photo shoot, always remembering to focus on the face expression.

Well, here are the results of my study:  

Thanks again for the help Kyle (Remember me when you get famous ok?)


* See more of Kyle photo shoot here
* Contact me about creating your own model pictures here
* Take a walk in beautiful downtown Cincinnati there

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