Dec 14, 2011

Wallace Family

I like when I can photograph friends because we can have a good time hanging out and I can freeze that moment in images. That's what this family is for me and Danielle, friends! They are from our church here in Georgia, Marietta Vinneyard, and I'm so thankful God placed them in our path. It is always good to have good people around you right?

Even though it was a cold morning, the smiles helped warm up the pictures. And the love they share with each other is beautiful to see. Did you notice Linda's hair? Yes, she is cutting it for the first time after Christmas (yes I did say "first time!") That's why Miss Denise asked me to register her long hair for the last time.  You can tell Linda will look cute w/ shorter hair hum? And it's gonna be for a good cause, she is donating to kids that need it.

Well, here they are, Mister Ron, Denise, Jesse, and Linda:


* See more of the Wallace's family pictures here
* Contact me to create your family's images here
* Hug your relatives there

Nov 29, 2011

Dain Model Pics

You thought I retired from posting here hum? Nope, just working on different projects, but never quitting this passion of mine! Photography makes me feel happy and creative, especially when I can work w/ cool people, so I want to share it w/ you here, again and again :)

I met Dain few months ago when I started to work at Starbucks (yes I do work there and love it!). Besides being a nice coworker (helping me learn all the coffee stuff) I found out he is a musician, actually a good singer w/ a Cd coming out soon.

Since I was kind of new in town I didn't know many people, so I asked him if he wanted to be my first model down here in Georgia and help spread out the word about my photography. Here is the result my people: Dain Harris.


* see more of Dain's pictures here
* contact me to create your own pictures here
* compliment someone there

Sep 13, 2011

Daniel Boy

I know, you can tell by his outfit that these pictures are not from yesterday... my bad, they were taken at the end of last winter, when I was testing my skills w/ kids, I mean taking pictures of kids. Let me tell you, Daniel made it easy! He is a natural little model, friendly, all smiles, and no complains. See for yourself:


* see more of Daniel's pics here
* contact me to create your child's image here
* help a kid there

Sep 1, 2011

Soto Family

First day of August my people! Time is flying and life is getting shorter, so enjoy as much as you can! That’s what I learned a long time ago when I was 18… I remember wanting to be older… now… My point is: enjoy the people around you, the love, friendship, things you like to do, and know what you don’t like to do (at least try once before say that) because Christmas is almost here and 2012 is at the door.

Am I being exaggerated today? Well, all because I wanted to say that the images bellow are of a family that enjoys life, and love each other. They are an example of unity and strength through the “good and bad times.”  Rafael and Karla left everything in their home country, Puerto Rico, so they could come to the USA get medical treatment for their older son, Gabriel. She was pregnant with Alejandro and he was born here. Beautiful family, aren’t they?


* See more pictures of the Soto family here
* Create your own family images here
* Love your family there

Aug 25, 2011


It's been a while since I last blogged, yes, there is a reason: we relocated to Georgia Y'all! More specific, Marietta, about 20 minutes from downtown Atlanta. Why? Mostly to get warmer weather and because we felt like God was leading us to move here, and we just felt like doing it too :)

So after taking a break, now that things are settling down, I'm here to say that I'm still alive w/ my photography! Actually missed posting pictures and talking about life w/ you all. Well, talking about life, here is Alejandro, 1 year old, the last family shoot before our move from Cincinnati. He is all smiles all the time. The whole family is so cool, our neighbors from Puerto Rico that you will be seeing here soon.

For now I just wanted to say "hi", and nobody better than this cute baby to say it for me:


Jul 18, 2011

MONDAY NOTES - Atlanta here we go!

Today is the beginning of a new adventure for Danielle and I, we are moving to Atlanta (should get there tonight after an all day drive).

Yes it will be a challenge to restart everything (new place, new jobs, new friends, new church...) but that's part of life right? It is an exciting challenge!

I'm excited to see what God is planing for all this. Don't have it all figured out yet, but I can say thank You Jesus for the warmer weather, and for all the Brazilian food I'm gonna eat (there is a big Brazilian community in Atlanta!)

So here is the soundtrack for this Monday:

Mary Mary: "Get Up"

Cincinnati: We will always love you!
Atlanta: HELLO!


Jul 13, 2011

Kyle Model Pics

When I asked my friend Kyle if I could practice w/ him as a model I had in mind to develop my portrait experience. So I decided to use him as a study case (sorry man, it was for a good cause). 

You will notice that most of his images are from the upper body and head shots. The idea was to identify elements that make a simple portrait attractive to the eyes. Yes, the model helps, but what I mean by “simple” is I didn’t want to show a lot of surroundings, or a big background w/ a little person in the middle of it. My focus was to have creative images, without having to use props around the subject to make it interesting. Does that make sense? So we went downtown Cincinnati for the photo shoot, always remembering to focus on the face expression.

Well, here are the results of my study:  

Thanks again for the help Kyle (Remember me when you get famous ok?)


* See more of Kyle photo shoot here
* Contact me about creating your own model pictures here
* Take a walk in beautiful downtown Cincinnati there