May 10, 2012

Geison & Misleine

Few weeks ago, Danielle and I went to Cincinnati– OH, with our friends Geison and Misleine. A city that is in our hearts, where we have family and close friends. Beautiful city!

One of the reasons we had to go is that I had to do a photo shoot with for dance school (about 120 students); another reason was to tour the city with our friends since it was their 1st time there. We visited the Findley Market, Downtown, Mt Adams, and Eden Park, just to say some places. I took advantage of the moment and did a mini photo shoot with them.

Beautiful place w/ beautiful people, a good combination don’t you think

Have a great end of the week.


. contact me to create your images here
. see more of my artwork here
. enjoy the day w/ someone there

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