May 13, 2012

Old Time Encourager

Minha Mãe Eulália

As I walked this morning for some reason I started to think when I was a little kid, all the way back in south Brazil… I was about 9 years old when I first started to learn piano. I had to walk everyday to practice at the church because at the time we didn’t have a piano. I remember one day I wanted to give up, just like every other kid does. 

My mom had a talk w/ me (you know how mom’s talk, but this time it was actually reinvigorating) and she told me to keep going, that one day I would regret if I stopped studying…  That day she went to practice w/ me and sat there while I played some simple tunes on the piano.

Today I teach music to kids and teens, I've traveled playing and singing in many places, and it makes me think - how important it was for me to have someone that encouraged me not to give up! Not only w/ piano, but w/ life.

So, I want to ask you to excuse me for now, today is Mother’s Day and I need to say something to my mom in Portuguese (she is not fluent in English) ok? The reason I’m writing here is because I want her to know that she is very important to me as I post to everyone that read’s my blog to see.

Mãe obrigado por todo o seu sacrifício de vida p/ nos criar e nos ajudar a achar o caminho certo em direção a Deus. Hoje, mais velho, entendo o quanto você se deu por nós. A Jamile, Andréia, e eu te amamos muito, muito, muito! Queria poder estar aí p/ te abraçar e beijar agora, mas como não posso, estou escrevendo aqui no meu blog p/ todo o mundo saber que você é a melhor mãe do mundo.

Bejos com saudades…Gé.

Happy Sunday everyone…G.

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