Jun 23, 2012

Maira Birthday Party Bash - Teaser

A Brazilian birthday production to celebrate her 30 years! You will see more of what I’m talking about soon...


Jun 10, 2012

Jes & Myke - Models

Few weeks ago I showed you 2 images of this good looking couple, Jes and Myke, my first shoot here in Charlotte. We went to Freedom Park in one chilly April afternoon - I bet looking at these pictures you would not think it was cold that day, right? Yes, they were working hard for me. 

It wasn’t difficult to get beautiful moments between them. Making jokes and laughing together, they made my job easy; to freeze those moments was a pleasure.

After the “teaser” people started to ask me when I would show more pictures from this photo shoot. No need to wait anymore, here they are everybody. Enjoy!


. See more of Jes & Myke images here
. Contact me about creating your own Images here
. Tell a joke to someone there