Nov 29, 2011

Dain Model Pics

You thought I retired from posting here hum? Nope, just working on different projects, but never quitting this passion of mine! Photography makes me feel happy and creative, especially when I can work w/ cool people, so I want to share it w/ you here, again and again :)

I met Dain few months ago when I started to work at Starbucks (yes I do work there and love it!). Besides being a nice coworker (helping me learn all the coffee stuff) I found out he is a musician, actually a good singer w/ a Cd coming out soon.

Since I was kind of new in town I didn't know many people, so I asked him if he wanted to be my first model down here in Georgia and help spread out the word about my photography. Here is the result my people: Dain Harris.


* see more of Dain's pictures here
* contact me to create your own pictures here
* compliment someone there