Dec 13, 2013

Holiday Sessions with friends! – Charlotte Family Photographer

This past month was all preparative for December celebrations. I like organized people, they plan, use schedules, calendars… all to make sure everything is done in time, so the party can be enjoyed without stress! Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Even more now that we are so close to Christmas, and the rush is bigger than ever. No I do not have all the gifts yet.

As you saw before, I decided to help people around to go through these busy days a little bit easier, by offering Holiday sessions that included more affordable prices and even custom made cards.

My last sessions were with friends I love, I couldn’t help but show them to you. By the way, Congratulations to the pregnant couple is Natie & Fabio. (Remember their BEAUTIFUL Engagement Session I did last year? Check it out here and here) Their baby girl is already home, little Abigail was born few days ago!


. For your family portrait contact me here
. Please LIKE my Facebook page here
. Offer some warm apple cider to a loved one there :)